Balance Integrative Medicine Acupuncture
With over a decade of experience, Ilyas Hamid offers a wealth of knowledge and a deep commitment to health and well-being. His passion for healing stems from his personal experiences watching loved ones battle illnesses like Breast Cancer, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s Disease, driving him to dedicate his career to integrative health.
Ilyas’s unique journey includes training in a groundbreaking Chinese Medicine program taught by monks at the Shaolin Temple. Through this, he gained expertise not only in acupuncture but also in Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Mei Hua Quan. His ongoing dedication to expanding his skills has led him to make annual trips to China, where he continues to refine his knowledge of holistic health practices.
Ilyas Hamid’s combination of personal passion and professional dedication makes Balance Integrative Medicine a top destination for thos